Summit Of The Future

On the sidelines of the UN Summit of the Future, Faith For Our Planet, in collaboration with the Governments of Antigua & Barbuda and the Republic of Panama, the African Union Citizens and Diaspora Directorate, and the Center for Media and Peace Initiatives, hosted a high-level policy dialogue on 21st September 2024 at UN Conference Building, New York

Planetary Health Summit

Faith For Our Planet and the Planetary Health Summit organizing committee co-hosted a workshop on the sidelines of the Planetary Health Annual Meeting in Kuala Lumpur on April 16th and 17th, 2024, at Sunway University in Malaysia.

Second Youth Interfaith Leaders Fellowship

Faith For Our Planet (FFOP) and Duke Divinity School (DDS) successfully delivered their flagship youth fellowship for the second year in a row, bringing together 30 faith-inspired climate leaders from around the world for a week-long residential program at Duke University, North Carolina, USA.